منح للطلاب والطالبات الاردنييين من قبل جامعة شيفيلد
توفر جامعة شيفيلد العديد من المنح والبعثات للطلاب والطالبات الاردنيين المتميزين، والتي ستبدأ في سبتمبر/ أيلول من العام ٢٠١٥ في كليات العلوم والاداب والهندسة والقانون. تغطي البعثات الرسوم الجامعية بنسبة ٥٠٪ للسنة الدراسية الاولى٫ وتستمر البعثة طوال سنوات الدراسة اذا كانت النتائج بعد السنة الاولى تفوق ٦٠٪ في معدل الطالب/ الطالبة...
موعد التقديم النهائي: ١٧ ابريل/ نيسان، ٢٠١٥ هناك ايضا منحة واحدة للدراسات العليا كالماجستير والموعد النهائي للتقديم: ٢٧ يونيو/ حزيران، ٢٠١٥ للمزيد من المعلومات عن البعثات في جامعة شفيلد للاردنيين والاردنيات يرجى زيارة الموقع على http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/international/countries/middle-east/jordan |
The University of Sheffield Scholarships
The University is pleased to offer a range of scholarships to students from Jordan who show exceptional academic potential and are starting their studies at the University of Sheffield in September 2015
Undergraduate Scholarships eg BA, BSc, BEng, MEng Faculty Undergraduate Scholarships We are pleased to offer scholarships to all international students starting their studies in the Faculties of Engineering, Science, Arts and Humanities and the School of Law in September 2015: Engineering International Scholarships Science International Scholarships Law International Scholarships Arts International Scholarships Middle East Merit Undergraduate Scholarships 2015 There are five Middle East Merit Undergraduate Scholarships, available for students from the Middle East. Each scholarship is worth 50% of the Undergraduate annual tuition fee. This is guaranteed in the first year of study and is available in each subsequent year, excluding any years in industry or years abroad, subject to achieving 60% or above in the previous academic year – this applies to all undergraduate programmes except Medicine and Dentistry. Students of Medicine or Dentistry will only receive the scholarship for the non-clinical years (Medicine years 1 & 2 and Dentistry year 1) The scholarship will take the form of a tuition fee reduction only. To be eligible for the scholarships applicants must be self-funding and classed as 'Overseas' for fee purposes AND a national of or permanently domiciled in the Middle East and apply for a study place by Friday 17 April 2015 for entry in September 2015. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and the supporting statement. The final decision will be made by an academic panel. If you wish to be considered for this scholarship you need to apply online, the application link will be distributed to eligible students by email from January onwards. Applicants cannot apply for the scholarship before being offered a study place at Sheffield. The scholarship will be available only to applicants who have made the University of Sheffield their first or firm choice. The deadline for applications is Friday 24 April 2015; scholarship results will be announced Friday 29 May 2015. Advanced Placement (AP) Merit Undergraduate Scholarships 2015 We are delighted to announce a new scholarship scheme for undergraduate applicants who are taking Advanced Placements (AP) Three scholarships are available for AP holders starting their undergraduate studies in September 2015. Each scholarship is worth 50% of the Undergraduate annual tuition fee. This is guaranteed in the first year of study and is available in each subsequent year, excluding any years in industry or years abroad, subject to achieving 60% or above in the previous academic year – this applies to all undergraduate programmes except Medicine and Dentistry. Students of Medicine or Dentistry will only receive the scholarship for the non-clinical years (Medicine years 1 & 2 and Dentistry year 1). The scholarship will take the form of a tuition fee reduction only. The Advanced Placement scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit. To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must be studying for or have taken Advanced Placements, apply for an undergraduate study place by 17 April 2015 and hold an offer of a study place for entry in September 2015. Applicants must also be self funding and classified as overseas for fee paying purposes. Eligible students will automatically be sent details of how to apply from January 2015 onwards. Applicants cannot apply for the scholarship before being offered a study place at Sheffield. The scholarships will be awarded unconditionally in the first year of studies. Award in subsequent years of study is subject to the achievement of 60% overall average mark. The deadline for applications is Friday 24 April 2015; scholarship results will be announced Friday 29 May 2015. Postgraduate Scholarships eg MA, MSc Jordan Merit Postgraduate Scholarships 2015 There is one Jordan Merit Postgraduate Scholarships available for Jordanian Students. Each scholarship is worth 50% of the Postgraduate yearly tuition fee per year. The scholarships will take the form of a fee reduction. To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must be self-funding and classed as 'Overseas' for fee purposes AND a Jordanian national or permanently domiciled in Jordan, apply for a study place by Friday 19 June 2015 for entry in September 2015. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and the supporting statement. The final decision will be made by an academic panel. If you wish to be considered for this scholarship you need to apply online, the application link will be distributed to eligible students by email from January onwards. Applicants cannot apply for the scholarship before being offered a study place at Sheffield. The deadline for applications is Friday 26 June 2015, scholarship results will be announced Friday 24 July 2015 Postgraduate research degrees eg PhD, MPhil The University of Sheffield does not offer research studentships specifically for Jordanian students. There are, however, studentships and funding for which students from Jordan can apply. Postgraduate Research scholarships For information on available scholarships for PhD research programmes, please visit the following web-page: Postgraduate Research Funding Opportunities Other Sheffield Scholarships Alumni Rewards Sibling and Spouse Rewards International Baccalaureate scholarships Official Scholarship Website: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/international/countries/middle-east/jordan |